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Digital Resume

In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I am excited to discover a position in Marketing. As an eager and driven professional with experience in brand development for start-up companies, I believe that I can bring valuable contributions to a company.

Touchscreen Computer

Staffing Coordinator

Communicating with customers via phone, email, and live chat to book jobs orders is the primary aspect of this role. Additionally, I perform daily maintenance tasks such as scheduling and collecting payments. Being a staffing coordinator requires active listening and problem-solving at any given moment.

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Sales & Marketing Manager

At Afram Stone I processed and analyzed data entry using Microsoft Excel and Adobe Analytics. It was important to maintain detailed files containing inventory and sale projections using Excel. On the creative side, I designed products, labels and packaging using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop  

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Head of Digital Marketing

As an intern for Larson Collections, I developed color scheme, fonts, and company brand using Adobe InDesign. For social media, I oversaw media analytics, marketing strategy, and projects using Google Analytics. Additionally, I scheduled and designed stories and posts appealing to target audience

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Basket & Bike Intern

As part of my Intensive Study of Women in Business, I studied under CEO of Basket & Bike, assisting in tours of history, nature and conservation. I had the opportunity to interview business consultants, female entrepreneurs and branding managers. On the social media end, I designed Etsy Shop promotions, and worked on product development.

Purple Yarn Collection

Coming Soon: Willow Designs

Stay tuned for the landing page of Willow Designs, my company with handmade crochet clothing, accessories and others!

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